Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Communication with parents

I have found it difficult on my paediatric placement sometimes, to be taken seriously by the parents of the clients I see. Particularly with infants I occasionally get the impression that they think I am too young and inexperienced to know what I'm talking about (which isn't too far from the truth sometimes). Some are quite happy to be seen by a student but then speak directly to the supervisor rather than me. I try to sound confident and talk to them about ideas to help their child at home, but my supervisor will always jump in with something more relevant or effective. I'm trying to power through but I feel because of the set up I'm not being given a chance to show what I know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Meg, I could probably relate quite well to your situation and I am quite positive that most others can as well. I've found that regardless of whether the parent/patient is paying attention or not I'll just power through with whatever I have to say. I understand that it is difficult to get somethign across to them when they don't show much interest in what you have to say but really, its another one of those "learning experiences"!