Thursday 8 November 2007

personal experiences

I was seeing an elderly patient on my last prac and had just positioned her out of bed and were going though some deep exercises etc. A relatively new doctor to the area came over and began to look at her nursing notes sitting on the table at the end of the bed. The patient starting to get very agitated and scared saying she didn't like that doctor and he was not to come near her etc. The doctor hadn't even said anything to the patient before she was begging me not to leave her alone with the doctor and was crying/shaking etc. I had to reassure the patient over and over with help of the nurse, that the doctor was here to help her and he would do no harm. It took around half an hour to settle the patient before she would allow the doctor to see her. The patient revealed later it was the doctor's appearance/nationality that had caused her outbursts, which i found strange and a bit difficult to comphrehend but it did alert me to the that a lot of elderly people have had personal experiences in the past that affect how they interact with people today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I second that point. On my third year prac I was rejected by an elderly patient because of my nationality. The confrontation is even worse when they've just undergone GA and are confused and agitated.