Friday 16 November 2007

Muscle-Stim Heel Switch

Hi everyone,

This week i had the opportunity to use e-stim which i thought i'd never touch this whole year haha but it was great to revist the parameters etc...Anyhow, I have applied it to a patient with an incomplete tranverse myelitis at C5/6 and as a result, his main problems during gait are hip hitching of the (L) leg during swing due to mainly inadequate DF and KF. I firstly got the patient to stand on a wedge to prolong stretch (L) gastrocs before applying the e-stim. My aim was to stimulate the DF but not just the strengthen them while in sitting, but to apply it during gait...

The heel switch component of it was placed in the patient's shoe, and everytime there is pressure through the heel i.e. stance phase, the e-stim is off....however as soon as the pressure is off the heel switch (during pre-swing) the e-stim turns on and it activates the (L) the patient's amazement he began walking with a near-normal gait pattern...his hip hitching dramatically reduced and his balance improved significantly.

The treatment obviously proved interseting, but to what extent will it have in terms of effect on the recovery of the strength of DF in a pt with tranverse myelitis, I am unsure of.. Anyone have any experience with the same?

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