Tuesday, 21 August 2007


Hi everyone,
I have just recently had my musculo placement and am now on my rural. I have been lucky to have had a pretty broad selection of patients, however i have been treating quite a few Cx, Tx and Lx problems. I was just wondering if everyone else finds that it takes a lot of practice to get PPIVM (and also PAIVM) findings completely accurate?! I found at first that although i was fairly accurate it was difficult to work out what levels had the worst restriction... all of us on the same prac had the same difficulty, so just seeing if anyone else has had their musculo and agrees! i think that it definately just takes practice with 'feeling' different necks and backs, and am now finding it easier on this placment as i have already had 5 weeks practice. When speaking to other physios, they say that unless you try and get your hands on as many necks as possible you may be second/third year out of uni and still be unsure with your assesment!
So we had all better get PPIVMing if wanting to work in musculo!



Anonymous said...

Hey Stace

Gaby at SCGH Curtin Clinic has a post grad in manips. She said they had to practice PPIVMs and PAIVMs everyday for 6 months until they were allowed to manip. She also said there are very few graduate physios that are able to do them accurately. It is clearly one of those techniques which will get better with experience.

Dickie said...

Definitely a tough skill to master but as you say as the weeks pass you can feel it more and more. Don't expect to be good at it at the end of the year just expect to be competent.