Sunday, 26 August 2007

Private Practice

Working in a private practice is at times very challenging. It is a constant balance between physiotherapy and business. What makes effective physio does not make effective business. For ethical reasons effective physio always comes first, but to be successful business has to come a close second. Ways to make good business include having a variety of equipment such as fit balls and orthotics to sell. Investing in good gym equipment, this is handy for treatment and during after hours you can run a public gym. Good, effective physio treatment will always bring the clients back. However, if you offer not only symptom relief physio but exercise prescription/training and add pilates in to the mix you can establish a large clientele which will continue to return over long periods of time. Private practice is a challenging place to work but I find it very rewarding. If anyone else has any other ideas of how to balance physio and business please share.

1 comment:

Kent said...

Hi Dickie,

It is always hard to strike a balance between physiotherapy and balance. One of my friends has his own private practise in Subi and he told me the secret of success is to be your own boss.At the moment,he has employed 4-5 part-time physio in his clinic and he spends most of his time in marketing and managing the clinic.He still enjoys to treat his patients and usually he will spend around 15hrs per week to see patients. Will this be another idea for you to run a private practise?