Tuesday, 7 August 2007

different cultures

hi guys,
at the moment I'm on my rural prac in port hedland. Very different place with a very different patient caseload. My first patient was a young aboriginal man who lived in a nearby aboriginal community. He had been stabbed by his partner under his left clavicle and consequently developed a pneumothorax in his left upper lobe. He was also a heavy smoker and had had multiple previous admissions for intoxication, domestic violence and psych issues. Well, this was definitely something new to see. I treated him with the usual chest management i.e subjective, objective assessment and ambulation, deep breathing+ supported cough, but i found myself altering my assessment as the patient wasn't very receptive (focusing on the absolute necessities i.e pain, sputum, smoker history and leaving other questions ie. ex tol, previous chest conditions until the next day). I found the patient prefered he experiment himself with getting out of bed and the supported cough, rather than i showing him (though guiding him through it). Has anyone found similarities when working with the indigenous population?

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