Monday, 6 August 2007

Difficult Parents

Hi guys,
currently on an inpatients paeds prac and finding the hardest part about it is dealing with the families! One of the kids i'm treating has an extremely controlling mother who is constantly asking millions of questions! I try to answer as much of them as i can but once i answer one, she asks another and i find myself stuck trying to answer questions i don't know the answer to! I have tried to tell her when i don't know the answer to her question but then she just repeats it in another way and i find myself repeating myself over and over again!! and over! I'm finding it a really difficult situation to be in and me and my supervisor are constantly talking about different ways i can deal with things, which is really good because I feel really supported. I just feel i'm not gaining as much respect because I can't answer half of her questions! There's a lot more to it but it'll take too long to explain, just wonder if anyone has some tips from a past paed pracs on how to deal with anxious parents!!

1 comment:

Em said...

Hi lil, yes i found the same thing on paeds the parents were the hardest thing to deal with sometimes! At times i found parents constantly asked questions, which although is good in one respect i found it often distracted the child and took up alot of time. One solution i found was to discuss with the parent the plan for the session, and clearly state that you need some time to comlpete the Ax/Rx and THEN will have time for questions. If its the questions themselves that are really difficult maybe you can discuss with your supervisor that she help you out a little more. ie start an open discussion amongst parent, supervisor and yourself so you can give your opinion and try to answer as best you can, then ask the supervisor does she have anything she could add etc. The parent will also benefit by recieving answers from both of you. Just remember that while we can reassure anxious parents about the aims of say botox therapy or a rehab program, we are unable to make promises or guarantees and if thats what theyre after then your supervisor needs to step in.