Tuesday, 5 June 2007

The Same Old Question

Hey guys, this is a question that I guess we will asks ourselves for the rest of our career, but I was curious to know your opinion. I am currently treating a pt for a grade 2 MCL tear. 1 mth later he still has quite a bit of laxity on valgus stress tests. He will not stop playing his chosen sport and hasn't since the initial injury. There is not much I can do for his pain levels so all i have really been focusing on is improving his LL biomechanics w/ VMO activation, ecc Hs's, co-contraction, all incroporated into dynamic and sports-specific drills. The nxt time he presented to me he told me he hadn't been doing his HEP b/c he figured he gets enough ex playing sport. The issue is that he risks a complete rupture when playing sport so we need to do everything we can 2 increase his stability @ the knee which means he realli needs to do his HEP! I have explained this to him in very clear terms and am waiting to see what happens when he returns for Rx. One question I want to pose, If this pt presented to you in your private clinic,and you were working as a physio (not a student) and after 3 wks still did not do his HEP and continued to play sport, would you d/c him?

1 comment:

Kent said...

This is an interesting question,in a private clinic,you cant really d/c a patient if they still want to come,unless you lock them out and tell them they are not welcome.

If i am in your situation,i will ask my patient what is his expectation from physiotherapy, if he says he wants to get better, i will explain to him physiotherapy is not going to work for you unless you do your HEP.
From my experience, quite a lot of people still have a misunderstanding on physiotherapy, they think physiotherapy treatment is passive(mobilization,sport taping and massage) and no input from the patient is required.