Tuesday, 12 June 2007

inappropriate comments

I'm not sure if others have come across this but I have found that some physios openly compare us fourth years to other students. For example, on a recent placement we were told during orientation that the physios prefer the Notre Dame students over Curtin students. Another occasion was quite recent as well, and the supervisor had said that fourth year students come out much stronger than GEM students and the supervisor had told the same thing to a GEM who had just graduated and is now working under that particular supervisor.

I feel that these comments are highly inappropriate especially those that undermine our ability. Sometimes I feel something should have been said at that particular time but as we can see with the other posts, it is not easy to stand up to supervisors, rather it feels that the right thing to do is to nodd and ignore. What would you have done?


Lil Johns said...

Hi Wei,
this is a tricky one as i agree with you on the whole smile and nod approach to supervisors! As i'm sure everyone has found, the better you get along with your supervisor, the better you tend to do at your prac. For this reason many of us are reluctant to stand up to our supervisors. These comments are however inappropriate and can be extremely unnerving especially if you are not the "preferred student". Again i think the best way to approach these situations is to go through the university as opposed to going directly to the supervisor. That way the uni can speak to the facility and mention that there have been "students" that have mentioned this and you can still remain relatively anonymous. What does everyone else think?

jess said...

I had a situation like that on my current placement. Many times my supervisor and stated how much she dislikes having students and how she is looking fwd to not haveing any students. She also states in front of the whole team that the students are significantly decreasing her case load- hence affecting the rest of the allied health team. I didn't really know what to say so i did the old nod and smile. I think that what lil said is a good option, especiallly for thoses supervisors who are especially hard to stand up to.