Monday, 18 June 2007


hey guys
i went to see a patient the other day to do a mobility review and put a chart above his bed. I could tell he wasn't in the bestest of moods combined with feeling sick and tired, so i tried to tread carefully. I was being my subjective assessment when it started getting angry saying its all repetitive (he had been seen by a notre dame student the day before on another ward) and obtrusive and how dare we do this to him, we have no right as students etc....I then left and later overheard him talking to the doctor about having these students "annoying" him and that he deserves better treatment. Now I was meant to go see him later that afternoon, and obviously not that keen to in light of what happened previously. So I went and approached his nurse and got them to speak to the patient before I went in to see what his mood was like. The nurse then put my case forward to the patient for why i was there and i then negotiated with him for a quick review so i could complete his mobility chart (and therefore be safe on the ward).The patient fortunately agreed and all was completed as planned. What i learnt from this situation is that liasion and forming working relationships with the nursing/other staff is very important as they can infact help you (among many other things) to get your job done.

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