Monday, 1 October 2007

when physio is not indicated

Hi all,
Currently im on prac in an intensive care unit. We have a patient who is a 22 y.o male with a closed head injury and multiple fractures. At the scene of the accident, he had no pulse, required CPR for 20 mins and had a GCS of 5/15. As a result he has a sub arachnoid hemorrhage. He is currently ventilated and sedated but the medical staff are having difficulty controlling his rising ICP ( he sits at about 23, normal being under 10!) After suctioning him via his ETT, his ICP rose to 28.This is an example of a patient were physio may not be indicated. Even though the suction was productive of a moderate amount of yellow/green sputum and being intubated/sedated etc, it is a possibility that this patient could (or may already has) developed chest complications. However, this is where we need to be able to look at the overall presentation of the patient, and not treat them purely as a 'cardio' pt as for him, the number one thing on his problem list is his neurological status. We need to recognise that our treatment already indicated that it may have a detrimental effect on his number one problem (raising ICP) and even though the condition of his chest is important, his neuro status is of greater concern. Physio at the present is not indicated however the pt will be monitored and when more neurologically stable, we will intervene.

1 comment:

Kent said...

Hi Hollies,
That is so true, that's why clinical reasoning is so important when we are on prac/at work. The knowledge we have is quite specific and sometimes we miss the whole picture. It is always a good idea to take a step back and look at a patient globally.