Sunday, 2 September 2007

Supervisor impressions

Hello friends.
I would just like to share some difficulties that I am having with my neuro prac (surprise!). I have two patients, one a rather complex MCA stroke, and one with more cerebellar based problems. Every time my supervisor comes, I am treating the complex patient, and tend to get grilled about my observations, treatments, rationales etc. (The facility supervisor also mainly observes me with this pt.) My other patient, however, I am managing quite well with. I understand his problems, and all of my treatment sessions are going well. I think both my supervisors have an impression of me that is based solely on this patient which I struggle with, without seeing my more competent side.

Because a lot of this prac is quite new, and not covered in any depth at uni, I feel quite lost, especially with only four weeks to get my head around it and demonstrate competence. I've been doing a lot of study (but it's very different from practical observation and treatment skills) and have redone a SOAPIER that I am hoping will get a better reception on Monday than my last one.

Does anyone have any other suggestions to help me drag myself out the other end of this prac?


anaisanais81 said...

Hi Meg,
maybe you can ask for a few minutes time of your supervisor's (make sure you let her decide when she has time to talk to you, but not ask her if you can talk to her RIGHT NOW, as you will not get the attention you need when she's busy), and find out how does she feel about your progress so far, and what are your strengths and weaknesses. you are mostly to be asked back the same question, so make sure you have an idea of what your strengths and weaknesses are. I am sure they are there to help you pass and they don't enjoy making their students fail.


stace said...

Hi meg,
all i can say is that neuro is such a massive area, as we all probably realise only after having our neuro prac! the supervisors definately dont expect you to be a full bottle by the end of the four weeks, but to just show some improvement. so take on all of the advise that the physios give you and apply it to you treatments with this patient, and try and demonstrate that you are learning and taking on advice.
otherwise take on the advice from others as well, its difficult!

Trudi said...

Good advice.