Monday, 30 July 2007

communication issues

Hi all, id love your advice on some communication suggestions for a 73yo patient who has global aphasia following L ACA/MCA stroke 2 years ago. From doing a few tests i think he has a more significant impairment of expressive aphasia but not so much receptive, as often he appears to understand clearly what im asking him to do. He can use a picture book when prompted to assist with communication, and verbally can only say "right" and "ok" however these are inconsistent. He is a lovely man who at times gets so frustrated with people not understanding him. So far ive tried to restrict my questions to yes/no answers which seems to work, and give him alot of time to answer me. He requires prompting to use the communication book but it doesnt have alot of options for him. If anyone has other suggestions as to how i can approach a 'standard' subjective/objective assessment i would love to hear them! thanks, Em

1 comment:

Lil Johns said...

Hey Em,
sounds like you're doing a really good job with this patient already. Keep plugging away and you'll figure out what works for you. The only thing I can suggest is try for a little bit of your assessment each day. gradually do a bit each day coz trying to do it all in one hit will be too overwhelming and time consuming. Then once you've got a comprehensive Ax you can start planning your treatment more effectively!