Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Something to Comment On

If you are reading this well done. It means that you have managed to log onto your blogsite and can start the process of reflecting on clinical placements. To start the ball rolling and give you something to think about and comment on I have a reflection below that was posted by a student in the past.

Happy Blogging

Too Sick To Stay?

The past few days I've been feeling a bit crook. So I took Tuesday off as I was throwing up Monday night. I went in today, which was Wednesday as I had my final assessment and a presentation to do. I still felt sick, and I wasn't all there, but I really thought I was well enough to not miss clinic. Well anyway in my less than normal state I missed some stuff in the notes that I shouldn't have. So my question is, as a student how do we tell when to draw the line on feeling well enough to go in to clinics, without giving the physios you work with (who you are trying to impress) the impression that you are just not toughing it out?

Comment 1:
I’m sorry to hear you’re not feeling so well. Although, it’s completely understandable as it is easy to get run down doing this course.
I think you’ve raised a very good issue. I think what you have to ask yourself is, are you putting the patient’s treatment at risk? Do you think that in the state you are in you are able to clinically reason appropriately and provide your patient the best level of care you can provide as a student? Also, are your patients who may have decreased levels of immunity while in hospital at risk for developing the “bug” you’re currently carrying? All important questions when trying to determine if you are “too sick to stay”.

Comment 2
I am so sorry to hear that you are/were sick! And I can defintely relate to what you are feeling as I too got very sick on my cardio placement. I was bed riden for a day and a half but was told by my supervisor that if I missed another day that I would have to redo the whole prac. Now, I know that there if a reason for that rule (of only missing a certain number of days) but I agree with you that's there is a thin line between needing to go into prac and knowing that you shouldn't. I was quite surprised when my supervisor said that, as she clearly new that I was sick and that if I came in I would be working closely with these immune depressed patients. So, I braved it out, because who in there right mind, or "sick mind" for that matter, would choose to stay in bed if they new they had to repeat a whole prac? I just tried really hard not to breath on the patients and washed my hands lots...hey is there any research on that?.....

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